
Tit Pig Interview 03/23/11

Sean from Tit Pig did a interview with Trent Moorman over at the Stranger today, check it out here.  In my opinion, Trent is one of the few good music writers in this town. For example he recently tried to interview Styper and when they passed on it he interviewed me instead with the same questions. People say it's funny, you can read it here and decide for yourself.

Also, against better judgement, I have decided to start a cassette only label called WALL OF DOGS and will be releasing a Tit Pig cassette soon, like in the next two weeks. This will be my second release the first one being CROSS "Never Ending Death Demo" which I had to release because, really, who else would?

The cassettes will be available for mailorder through the WALL OF DOGS website so check that site not this one to order. Each release is limited to 100 copies and most likely won't be repressed. At least not by me. Oh and I only plan on releasing bands from the Pacific NW because it makes it a lot easier since there are only five good bands out here.

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