
All Over Printed Tights and Leggings - From Both Coasts 10/01/12

It's rad when your friends make rad shit. And it's inspiring to us when we see the (very) creative people around us decide to start companies and completely crush it. It's especially inspiring for me because it serves as a reminder that it wasn't that long ago that we released our very first range to a very small audience. 

Well let me tell you, it just warms my cold dead heart.

Check out our friends (from NYC and radical band K-Holes) Vashti and Cameron's new line of tights for a company they started called Windish Michael. Cameron has been making these incredible large scale collages for years that always remind me of Gee Vaucher's work on about 10 hits of acid.

    Image from windishmichael.com

Meanwhile another good friend of ours on the other coast has started his own company that makes leggings (among other rad things) with his collage art on them as well. The collective unconscious truly runs deep in our ilk!

Meet Astral Eyes / Owleyes co-owner of Goldnbones. With his partner Shelly Erion, they've created a company that offers a range of women's clothing for the tripped out masses. You might remember a few seasons back when we asked Owl Eyes to design a couple shirts for us and I know first hand how encouraging it can be to see your work come to life. Back in 2005, the folks at Rockers NYC hired me to design some fonts for them. I can honestly say that it remains as one of the most truly inspiring experiences in my life. 

    Images from goldnbones.com

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